15:30-15:45 ACTE D’OBERTURA
Carlos Moslares (Degà d’IQS School of Management)
Enrique Rubio (President de l’ICAC)
Daniel Faura (President de l’ACCID)
Francesc Gómez (President de l’Agrupació de Professors de Comptabilitat i Control de l’ACCID)
15:45-16:30 CONFERÈNCIA D’OBERTURA (Homologa hores de formació en Auditoria i Comptabilitat i Expert Comptable)
Ponent: Enrique Rubio Herrera (President de l’ICAC)
Moderador: Carlos Puig de Travy (CEC/ACCID/REA)
16:30-17:00 PAUSA-CAFÈ
Moderador: Cyril Degrilart (European Chartered Accountants)
Workshops II: Informació no financera i Sostenibilitat
President i coordinador: Josep García (IQS)
Sustainability reporting using integrated reporting and sustainable development goals (sdg). the case of IBEX 35 companies. – Jordi Morrós Ribera
The impact of the recent financial sustainability legislation on the service provision and investing levels of small-size Spanish municipalities. – Sotirios Karatzimas, Yulia Kasperskaya, Carles Griful Miquela, Vasilos-Christos Naoum
Sustainable or not sustainable? The role of the board of directors – Nour Chams, Josep García-Blandón
Informació no financera de la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals – Nuria Arimany, Anna Sabata, Clara Uribe
Joint audit: An empirical study of the consequence of Joint audit abandonment in Denmark – Zahra Shahrokhshahi, Josep García
Workshops III: Èxit/Fracàs empresarial, Solvència i Empresa familiar
President i coordinador: Joan Llobet (UOC)
Intellectual capital and its impact on business performance: an empirical study of Portuguese hospitality and tourism sector – Vâina Costa, Maria de Lurdes Silva, Paula Loureiro
A decision tree study on the impacts of firm-specific and industry-specific factors on Spanish new firm survival during the recent depression period – Ramon Saladrigues, Yehui Tong
Influencias gerenciales en la internacionalización de la empresa familiar – Laura Sánchez, Jordi Moreno, José Luis Gallizo
Es fiable el EBITDA como indicador de solvencia? – Nicole Kalemba, Joan Llobet Dalmases, Dolors Plana Erta
Workshops IV: Informació financera, Costos i Ensenyament
President i coordinador: David Castillo (IQS)
–Exploring the impediments of financing hybrid organizations – Nina Magomedova, Ramon Bastida
– Twitter-based dissemination of financial informaction by big companies: a US, Germany and France analysis. – Monica Martinez, David Castillo, Vanessa Serrano, Joan Flotats, Laia Ramirez, Adrià Rodriguez, Oscar García, Mireia Pérez
The importance of financial accounting and cost accounting for the labour market: a study on the perception of students from an HEI – Patricia Rodríguez, Maria de Lurdes Ribeiro da Silva, Claudia Filipa Gomes
Workshops V: Història de la Comptabilitat
President i coordinador: Gonzalo Rodríguez (IQS)
Evolution of financial information and management control over the last 150 years: The case of Bodegas Torres – Oriol Amat, Natalia Amat
ACC i ACCID dues associacions comptables de Catalunya amb 80 anys de diferència – Nuria Arimany Serrat, Carme Viladecans Riera i Pilar Morera Basuldo
L’ensenyament comercial de la comptabilitat al primer terç del segle XX. El paper de l’ACC – Helena Benito, Joan Miró, Jaume Portella
Workshops VI: Anàlisi Sectorial
Presidenta i coordinadora: Pilar Morera (UDG)
Airbnb growth: Apartments location and the impact on renting prices – Pedro Aznar
La rendibiliat del territori: un cas exploratori del sector vinícula català – Patricia Crespo Sogas, Enric Camón Luís, Diana Estop Andrés
Approach to the differences between Market Value and Accounting Value in the Airline industry – Yaghoub Abdi, Xiaoni Li, Fernando Campa
Workshops VII: Normes de valoració i Free Cash Flow
President i coordinador: Xavier Osés (UB)
A mensuração ao justo valor dos heritage assets: um estudo de caso – Susana Catarino Rua
Free cash flow Agency Problem and Accounting numbers relevance in spain and south Africa. – Helena Maria Santos de Oliveira, Lious Agbor Tabot Ntoung, Benjamin Manuel Ferreira de Sousa, Susana Adelina Moreira Carvalho Bastos, Cláudia Maria Ferreira Pereira
Un análisis de la NIIF 15:“Ingresos Ordinarios procedentes de contratos con clientes” – Juan Domínguez, Oscar Martínez