Us informem que el nou volum d’Intangible Capital de 2019 (Intangible Capital vol 15 No 1) ja està disponible en accés obert.
Taula de continguts
Trust under bounded rationality: Competence, value systems, unselfishness and the development of virtue
Natàlia Cugueró, Josep M. Rosanas
The influence of relational capital and networking on the internationalization of the university spin-off
María del Carmen Peces Prieto, María Amalia Trillo Holgado
Staffing policies of leading professional service firms
Carme Martínez-Costa, Marta Mas-Machuca, Jordi Olivella
Trigger factors in brick and click shopping
Mage Marmol, Vicenc Fernandez
What are the main concerns of human resource managers in organizations?
Amable Juarez-Tarraga, Cristina Santandreu-Mascarell, Juan A. Marin-Garcia